
我们的课程侧重于对运动机能学研究的理解和应用,以改善医疗保健中的循证实践, research, education, fitness, and sport careers.


  • 理解和解释学术文献
  • 制定和测试研究问题和假设
  • 通过口头和书面的方式交流学习成果
  • 将当前的研究成果与实际应用相结合



  • 20% -职业治疗,物理治疗,整骨疗法和博士课程
  • 25% – Cardiac rehabilitation
  • 16% – Strength and conditioning
  • 39% -其他(健身、运动、教育)

当职业棒球大联盟的击球教练怎么样? That's what Jake Hirst '18 今天是纽约洋基队的比赛吗.

Ambrose Advantages

  • 在12-15个月内完成学位
  • Free Application
  • 研究生助学金和教学机会

professor talking to student

using software

student on bike

圣霍普金斯大学运动生理学硕士项目. 竞技宝app下载安装允许您在短短12个月内获得学位, 通过研究来增长你的知识和经验, 由具有不同专业知识的教师指导, 在最先进的实验室里应用你的新技能.


Discover Your Potential

你的运动生理学硕士在哪里. Ambrose take you? Watch this video to find out.

More Information About the M.S. in Exercise Physiology




  • advanced exercise physiology
  • biomechanics
  • exercise biochemistry
  • sport nutrition

Please refer to the Course Catalog 课程列表和描述.

Accelerated Plan of Study
Term Offered

REQUIRED CoursesCredit Hours
Summer KIN 600 Research Methods 3
KIN 602 Statistics  3
KIN 512 Sport Nutrition 3
  Summer Total 9
Fall KIN 625 Advanced Physiology 5
KIN 608 Exercise Biochemistry 3
KIN 560 Special Topics 3
  Fall Total 11
Spring KIN 509 Exercise Pharmacology 3
KIN 510 Biomechanics 3
kin610运动科学研讨会 2
KIN 615高级运动生理学 3
KIN 620独立研究(仅供论文选择) 1
  Spring Total 11-12
Summer KIN 660 Thesis OR KIN 650 Comprehensive Exam 4
  Summer Total 4
Total Program Credits 33-36
Standard Plan of Study
Term Offered

REQUIRED CoursesCredit Hours
Summer KIN 602运动科学统计学 3
  Summer Total 3
Fall KIN 625 Advanced Physiology 5
KIN 600 Research Methods 3
KIN 560 Special Topics 3
  Fall Total 11
Spring KIN 509 Exercise Pharmacology 3
kin610运动科学研讨会 2
KIN 615高级运动生理学 3
  Spring Total 8
Fall KIN 608 Exercise Biochemistry 3
KIN 512 Sports Nutrition 3
KIN 620独立研究(论文) 1
Fall Total 6-7
Spring KIN 660 Thesis OR KIN 650 Comprehensive Exam 4
KIN 510 Biomechanics 3
  Spring Total 7
Total Program Credits 33-36
B.S. Exercise Science - M.S. 运动生理学- 3+1学习计划

Course of Study for B.S. - Exercise Science - M.S. Exercise Physiology - 3+1


First Year

Fall Semester

Credit Co/Pre- req Spring Semester Credit Pre-req
+BIOL 199 or CHEM 105 4 MATH 171 +BIOL 200 or CHEM 106 4 BIOL 199
kin101 -运动机能学基础 2 +PSYC 105 Intro to Psychology 3
+MATH 171 - Elementary Functions 3 + phil 101, 201, 207, 208, 210, 217 3
+THEO 101 (DEI-2) 3 +COMM 129, 132, 203, 228,  329 3
+英语101 -书面沟通 3 +IL 101 Information Literacy 1
+KIN 149- Wellness Concepts 1 +人文选修课-1系(DEI-1) 3
Total Credits 16 Total Credits 17

Second Year

Fall Semester Credit Pre-req Spring Semester Credit Pre-req
应用统计推理 3 MATH 171 BIOL 232 - Human Anat.&Phys. II 4 BIOL 230
BIOL 230 - Human Anatomy & Phys. I 4 生物学101、199、112、化学103或105中的一种 +CHEM 106 or BIOL 200 4 CHEM 105, MATH 171/BIOL 199
+CHEM 105 or BIOL 199 4 MATH 171 贯穿一生的健康、疾病和幸福 3 KIN 101
+Creative Arts Elective  2-3 KIN 216 Exercise & Sport Psyc 3 PSYC 105, KIN 101
+Humanities Elective - Dept 2 3 #KIN WI-240 Nutrition Concepts 3 **ENGL 101
Total Credits 16-17 Total Credits 16

Third Year

Fall Semester Credit Pre-req Spring Semester Credit Pre-req
PHYS 203 - College Physics I 4 MATH 171 PHYS 204 - College Physics II 4 PHYS 203
KIN 361 Functional & Structural Kines. 3 **BIOL 230 or **BIOL 205 KIN 350 or KIN 392 Strength & Cond. or Exer Rx 3 **KIN WI-390 or **WI-366;Rec. KIN 361
#KIN WI-390/390L运动生理学  4 **ENGL 101 **BIOL 232 +PHIL/THEO/天主教研究选修300级 3 STAT 213, **KIN 390
+PHIL/THEO/天主教研究选修 3 选修课(推荐KIN 400级) 3
PSYC 255, 324, 350, 360, or 402 3 Elective 3
Total Credits 17 Total Credits 16

Summer 1 (Program start)
Course Credits
KIN 600-研究方法(取代KIN 440) 3
KIN 602-运动科学统计 3
# KIN 560-专题(本科/研究生双学分) 3
Total 6 - 9

Fourth Year

Fall Semester Spring Semester
Course Credits Course Credits
KIN 625- Advanced Physiology 5 KIN 610-运动科学研讨会 2
KIN 608-运动生物化学(UG学分) 3 KIN 615-高级运动生理学 3
KIN 510/512/560(双学分本科生/研究生) 3 KIN 509/510/512/560 3
选修课(如果需要学时) 1-3 KIN 509/510/512/560 3
*KIN 620- Independent study 1
Total 11-14 Total 11-12

Summer 2 
Course Credits
KIN 650 or 660- Comp. Exam or Thesis 4
# KIN 560- Special Topics 3
Total 4-7
How much is tuition?

我们意识到研究生教育的费用似乎令人生畏, 但我们的学生知道,他们所做的每一分钱都是值得的.

2022-23 Tuition

Tuition is $830/credit hour, 还有一些额外的技术和毕业费用(见下文)。.

我们鼓励学生考虑担任研究生助理, office worker, or adjunct; please see those details below. 每周花20个小时帮助我们的教师,并在校园里担任其他非教学角色, 你可以减少你的学费. 

你可以在网站上看到关于奖学金、贷款和助学金的完整信息 Graduate Financial Aid page.

Graduate Fees

2023-24 Fees

9个或以上学时的研究生$280/年. ($140/semester)
8个或更少学时的研究生140美元/年. ($70/semester)


Graduate Assistant (GA)


• Enrolled in the M.S. 在SAU的运动生理学项目

Time Commitment:

Faculty and Staff

Rhiannon Seneli, PhD, Assoc. 教授,运动机能学研究生主任

Kyle Bohnert, PhD, Asst. Professor
Michael Dahlinghaus, PhD, Assoc. Professor
Sandy Lund, PhD, Professor, Dept. Chair
Chris Schwartz, PhD, Assoc. Professor
Nick Voth, MEd, Clinical Asst. Professor
Suzanne Wiese, Administrative Assistant

Jake Hirst '18 MS

杰克·赫斯特将运用真正的科学, learned and honed at SAU, 他是洋基队的击球教练. 在这里,他学习了物理学以及如何将其应用于他的生物力学研究. 他研究了视觉的神经生理学,并将其应用于开发更好的击球眼. 他从大学教授那里学到的另一课是:人际关系的重要性. “他们真的鼓励我去打诊所, 让自己走出去,认识更多的人," Hirst said.

Read Jake's Story

So, what's next?

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