Ways to Give

你的慷慨使未来的竞技宝app下载安装人有机会获得圣. Ambrose education, 在课堂上推进跨学科卓越,使学生和教师能够对当地和全球竞技宝app下载产生积极影响.

我们邀请您选择一种方法或几种方法的组合,使您的礼物对您来说最有意义. The easiest way to make your gift may be using our online giving form. However, SAU能够接受多种类型和方法的礼物,并将与您一起以最适合您需求的方式制作礼物.

Make a gift today!

students in class

Make an Immediate Impact

Your gift goes to work right away

竞技宝app下载安装年度基金是当前用途的有力来源, 无限制的资金支持全方位的非凡学习, service and experiential opportunities at Ambrose.

Ways to Give

Annual Gifts

At the start of a fiscal and academic year, 竞技宝app下载安装年度基金期待着帮助我们的学生探索, learn and achieve. With an annual gift to St. Ambrose, 你在确保学生和教师拥有最好的资源来追求他们的学术努力方面发挥着至关重要的作用.


Credit Card

ONLINE GIVING - 这是最简单的捐款方式,也是我们许多校友和朋友的首选方式. Use our easy-to-use and secure online giving site to make a gift. 

Our new giving site accepts, in addition to major credit cards, Venmo, PayPal, ApplePay and GooglePay! 

RECURRING GIFTS - Set it and forget it! In addition to one time giving, 你可以选择设立一个定期捐款,以支持我们的蜜蜂全年 online giving site

礼品完成后,您将通过电子邮件收到交易收据. Retain this receipt for tax purposes.


You can mail us a check made out to St. Ambrose University. 请附上一张纸条,告诉我们如何将您的礼物寄到:

St. Ambrose University
Institutional Advancement
518 W. Locust St.
Davenport, IA 52803

Stock Transfer

St. 竞技宝app下载安装欢迎有价证券的礼物,比如股票, bonds, 或者是价值增长的共同基金——作为承诺付款或直接馈赠.

When you are prepared to request a stock transfer, 请致电563-333-6030,并分享您的姓名, the name of the stock, and your broker. 这允许一个有效和迅速的股票转让过程和确认您的礼物.

Memorial and Tribute gifts


Gifts can be made online, by mail, or by calling 563-333-5737. 一定要让我们知道你尊敬的人的名字.  

Matching Gifts

Matching Gifts are a great way for Ambrose alumni, parents, 和朋友,以最大限度地提高他们对SAU的个人贡献,增加他们的礼物的影响. 利用公司或组织的配对礼物福利, 你可以将供款金额增加一倍甚至三倍.

Visit our Matching Gifts page 找出某个雇主、组织或基金会是否适合你的礼物.


Legacy Gifts

制作一份遗产礼物是表达你对圣. 竞技宝app下载安装,你作为捐赠者,你的继承人和学校都有潜在的好处.

麦克马伦主教遗产圈表彰那些做出这个选择来帮助圣. Ambrose sustain the excellence that began in 1882.

您可以了解更多关于这些遗产礼品和其他选择在我们的详细 Legacy Giving site.


A gift in your will or living trust 是一种简单、灵活和通用的方式来维持圣. Ambrose's mission for years to come.

You can name St. Ambrose University as a percentage beneficiary, for a specific dollar amount, or as a residual recipient. Learn more here.

Retirement Plan or other Beneficiary Designations

You may name St. Ambrose as a beneficiary on retirement plans and annuity policies.

只需填写一份与你的遗嘱完全分开的表格. This easy way to give is also flexible; you can review and adjust beneficiary designations at any time. Learn more here.

Charitable Remainder Trusts

如果你已经建立了一个相当大的遗产,并希望在支持大学的同时获得可靠的付款, consider arranging a charitable remainder trust.

A wide variety of trusts exists to suit your needs. Learn more here.

Charitable Gift Annuities


您可以立即或在您选择的未来日期开始接收付款. Different states have different laws governing charitable annuities.

请致电563-333-6080与我们联系,分享您的具体情况, and together we can plan your gift accordingly. Learn more here.

Donor Bill of Rights

慈善事业是建立在为共同利益而自愿行动的基础上的. 这是一种给予和分享的传统,对生活质量至关重要.

确保慈善事业得到社会公众的尊重和信任,使捐赠者和潜在捐赠者对他们所支持的非营利组织和事业有充分的信心, we declare that all donors have these rights:

  1. To be informed of the organization's mission, 该组织打算如何使用捐赠的资源, 以及有效利用捐款的能力.
  2. 被告知组织管理委员会成员的身份, 并期望董事会在履行其管理职责时做出审慎的判断.
  3. 有权查阅该组织最近的财务报表.
  4. 为了确保他们的礼物将被用于他们被给予的目的.
  5. To receive appropriate acknowledgment and recognition.
  6. 确保有关其捐款的资料在法律规定的范围内得到尊重和保密处理.
  7. 期望与捐赠者感兴趣的组织的代表个人的所有关系都是专业性质的.
  8. 了解那些寻求捐赠的人是否为志愿者, employees of the organization or hired solicitors.
  9. 有机会从组织可能打算共享的邮件列表中删除他们的名字.
  10. 在捐款时可以随时提问,并得到及时的提示, truthful and forthright answers.

本声明全文由美国筹款律师协会(筹款律师协会)编写。, Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP), 教育促进及支援委员会, and the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), and adopted in November 1993.


Advancement & Alumni Office
McMullen Hall, lower level
Mailing Address: 518 W. Locust St.
Davenport, IA 52803
563-333-6054 fax

So, what's next?

Make a difference in the lives of St. Ambrose Univeristy students. Make a gift, volunteer your time, or attend an event!